February – #WIHM

Women in Horror Month…I gotta tell you, this is the first time I heard about this. I love that it exists, and I wish I knew about it sometime in the past 11 years. But alas, even the best movements take time to grow and gain exposure. There’s more and more recognition...

To Trope or Not to Trope?

Ugh, horror is filled with stupid characters making dumb decisions. It’s always the same old tired tropes! Yes, horror fans, we’ve heard this before. To be fair, some tropes are overused and some aren’t pulled off well. However, just because something is a trope...

My Favorite Scares

As you all know, I’m a dark fiction author who loves scary stories. One of the most common questions I’ve received recently is What are your Favorite Books? As people note my abiding love for all dark fiction, the question invariably shifts to What are your...