List Time: My Favorites Works of 2020

Best of 2020   I can already hear what you’re saying. Was there a best of anything in 2020? Of course! Yes, the pandemic has been a living horror and we all have much to mourn. But I believe that’s even more reason to identify anything that brought a moment of...

Demon In Me Review from Kendall Reviews

The initial reviews are coming in, and this one is particularly amazing. Beware of minor spoilers, of course. Ben and the team at Kendall Reviews completely made my day and more. Visit their website and subscribe to their newsletter for a variety of excellent book...

Now Available @

My debut novel, Demon In Me, is available on in ebook and paperback! Given the crisis with COVID-19, I also enrolled the ebook in the Kindle Unlimited program. Many people are out of work and money is tight, so sign up for a free KU trial and my ebook will...