Now Available @

My debut novel, Demon In Me, is available on in ebook and paperback! Given the crisis with COVID-19, I also enrolled the ebook in the Kindle Unlimited program. Many people are out of work and money is tight, so sign up for a free KU trial and my ebook will...

October Blog Series – This is Halloween!

Hello, October! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m happy to see my favorite time of year rolling back around. We recently passed the Autumn Equinox (Sept. 23rd), also known as Mabon. This is one of two days in the year when there is equal light and darkness....

Why Do You Write Dark Stuff?

This is a question constantly asked by the people in my life – namely, my mother, as I continue to confound her with my tastes that differ so much from her own. It’s asked with a mixture of wonder and confusion that I could write with such glee about the creepy,...